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MBAAL Committees

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Communication Committee

This committee will be responsible for posting and advertising the Association’s events on the website as well as on social media.  The committee will also publish a newsletter to keep the members informed of current and upcoming events.  The committee will send information to administration to be posted on the website.  The committee will also post pictures and information all Association's events.

Financial Literacy Committee

is responsible for coordinating with High school Academic Leaders and College Academic leaders in the study of Financial Literacy.  1) Responsible for contacting Higher Education Schools to obtain approval, establish dates and locations for education sessions.  2) Responsible for attaining material, finding instructors and volunteers to deliver this material to students.  3)  Committee members will volunteer to instruct students in the areas of finance, including but not limited to checking accounts, debt, credit, financing of future homes, cars, etc.

Legislative-Regulatory Committee

keeps the board of directors and members informed and updated on industry related legislation.  The committee assists the Association in review, analysis, and strategy for the Association to deal with primarily state legislation and regulatory issues, with occasional federal legislation and regulatory issues.  The committee chairman also helps the general membership in the understanding of the legislative process when these issues arise.

Convention Committee

Co-Chairs:  Oversees entire convention and attains sponsorships and exhibitors for convention.  Facility Operations:  Works with facility coordinator in securing rooms, menus, signs, sound systems, and equipment needed for each breakout session, etc.  Education: Attains speakers, moderators & topics for education sessions.  Entertainment:  Schedules and oversees entertainment for the convention.  Exhibit Hall: Works with Convention Services and facility to coordinate marketplace set-up location of each booth.  Hospitality:  Helps with set-up of registration and MBAA booth.  Attains volunteers for MBAA booth, registration booth and golf tournament. Committee will be responsible for feeding current information to administration for website and social media postings.

Future Leaders Committee

is responsible for establishing criteria and developing the material needed for the program. The committee will help in preparing the candidates for future development and volunteer service in the Association.  The committee will be responsible for selecting candidates from submitted applications form the member companies and instructing these candidates on the expectations and value of the program.  The committee will also recruit members to meet with and mentor these candidates throughout the program.  The committee will inform the candidates of the requirements and steps required to complete the program. They will assist in helping the candidates to select a class project to present the membership. They will also work with them on the curriculum and make sure all class work is completed.

Membership Committee

contacts and encourages mortgage and mortgage related companies in the industry to join the Association and participate in all events.  The committee members are responsible for planning and coordination any social gatherings to encourage membership.  Any new applications must be submitted to the board of directors for consideration and approval.  The membership committee also will follow up on leads and contacts of potential members provided to them for membership consideration.

Education Committee

provides members with an ongoing source of educational opportunities, based on current industry standards.  The committee works with the current vice president in coordinating the education session with the selection of the luncheon speakers at the monthly meetings.  The committee selects the topics, speakers and moderators for each session and the annual spring convention. The Education Committee will work with Diehl & Associates to coordinate the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing Systems (NMLS) required 7+1 Hours of education needed to maintain participants mortgage licenses.  These classes are taught only by qualified instructors approved by NMLS.  The dates are set in late summer and early fall to ensure participants can receive their certificates in time to renew their licenses by the end of each year.  This class is a one-day event and is usually scheduled twice in Birmingham, once in Montgomery and once in Huntsville each year.  In Birmingham, this class can be scheduled the same day as a monthly luncheon and board meeting. The Education Committee will coordinate with instructors from Genworth to offer the Mortgage University no less than twice a year to current and new mortgage employees.  This is a two-day event and sometimes can be scheduled with monthly meetings, but not always necessary.

Hospitality Committee

will be responsible to work with administration, education and communication's committees.  The committee will select volunteers and moderators for the education events as needed, especially during the convention education sessions.  The committee will also select volunteers for both golf tournaments each year.  The committee will also work with membership committee if needed to follow up with potential members.  The committee chair will either help with registrations at all events or select a volunteer to help if needed.

Tel: (901) 321-6744


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